One day you are walking along the deck of the ship when you hear a loud bang. You start to run as you see smoke coming from the far end of the ship. You run towards the room where your patients are waiting to receive treatment from the doctor. Just as you arrive at the door to their room you hear another loud bang and you… 8-10 sentences
I take a breath now and I take another one. I run towards the other patients room. While I am running I here another bang. I walk into the room quietly and softly. I looked around but I don’t see anyone. I say to myself they are dead. As I walk out of the room I hear another bang near me. I run as fast as I could to the other patients room trying to get me there as safe as I could, then bang I hear. I walk in there sweetly and calmly. I look towards to the bed I never believed my eyes. I caught them dying in the bed never knowing how. As I am about to turn around to walk out the door I hear a noise near me. I turn around not even a inch BANG the gun went towards me. It was the end of my life I could not believe this happened to me. The end