
Sunday, 24 December 2017

My dream job (Summer learning journey)

For my 5 activity I looked at my dream job and had to draw it and post it on my blog. Here is my dream job drawn with shapes. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Hey Antimoni

    My name is Sarah and I go to Glen Innes School
    Well done on completing this task your dream job sounds tough and amazing at the same time. Why do you want to be a Actress?

  2. Hey Anitimoni, thanks for sharing your dream job with us. It's great to hear that you want to be an actress when you grow older.

    What makes you want to take up acting? What do you think you will like about it?

    Have you ever been in a school play or anything?

    Who is the one actress you look up to the most?

    Thanks, Billy
